If you're fighting a custody battle, our child custody lawyer will offer your the legal counsel necessary to find the optimal solution for your kids and you.
Need a skilled lawyer to get you through a difficult divorce. Our divorce attorneys have the experience to handle your case with the attention it deserves.
Can't come to an agreement on equitable distribution. Reach out to us for legal help to secure your rights and assets. We'll lay out all your options for the best outcome.
Ensure that your children are protected and have the right kind of financial support even after a divorce. Reach out to our child support lawyer for the right representation.
Do you and your partner want to sign a prenuptial agreement before the wedding? Our lawyers have the knowledge and the experience to guide you through the process.
Filing for domestic partnership can be a long process, filled with legal documents. Seek the right legal help to ensure that this process is smooth and hassle-free for you.
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sat By Appointment
Sun By Appointment
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